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Gelatin Work Instructions

  1. Before making your first batch, click here to watch the gelatin video series on our website.
  2. Use the formula calculator to determine the exact weight of Melt-to-Make™ Gummy Pucks and additive you will need to make your batch of gummies.
  3. Print the batch formula.
  4. Prepare your supplies and utensils based on the batch size. We recommend a batch size over 2 kg if you are planning to use a heated depositor.
  5. Prepare enough molds for the batch.*
  6. If using a depositor preheat your hopper and nozzles to 160°F. If you are using a Truffly depositor, you will want to preheat to 82°C (180°F).

If you are planning on finishing the gummies with sanding sugar, you can give your molds a light spray with a mold release agent to help expedite the popping process. If you are planning on finishing your gummies with wax, you may choose not to spray your molds since the oil drops lets with leave small indentations in the finished gummies.

  1. Refer to your batch formula.
  2. Weigh out your pucks and additives using a calibrated lab grade scale, that has an accuracy of at least a 10th of a gram (0.0 g). Click here to see our “How to Weigh Your Ingredients” for tips on how to weigh all of your ingredients. If you are using a kettle you can use the reverse weigh method.**

The reverse weigh method is when you place your container on a scale and then tare the scale so it reads zero. You then slowly add the product and continue to check the scale reading until you reach the target weight in negative numbers.

  1. Add the Melt-to-Make™ gummy pucks to a double boiler or kettle. Heat until the mixture reached 66-71°C (150-160°F) and all the pucks are fully melted. You do not want to exceed 77°C (170°F) due to degradation.*
  2. Once all the Melt-to-Make™ pucks are melted, add your additives directly into the batch.
  3. Whisk your additives into the melted gummy mixture for a full 5 minutes, keeping the temperature between 66-71°C (150-160°F). Make sure to whisk consistently, but not so vigorously that you create an excessive amount of foam in the mixture.
  4. If you are using the Unflavored Melt-to-Make™ Gelatin Base, add in your colors and flavors and mix well.
  5. If you are using the hand pouring method, you may want to increase the temperature of the mixture to 77°C (170°F) just before pouring for easier spreading. Just remember not to keep it at that high of a temperature for more that a couple of minutes.
  1. If you are using the hand pouring method, pour your gummy mixture into the molds using a cake dispenser or measuring cup. Then use a pastry scraper to level.
  2. If you are depositing your gummies, follow the manufacturing instructions for your specific machine.
  3. Let the gummies cure for 2-3 hours uncovered. If the gummies feel ready you can pop them at this time, or you can continue to let them firm up. Gelatin gummies will continue to get firmer for 24 hours. If you decide to let them sit longer, you may want to consider covering your gummies or flipping the molds onto a parchment paper lined tray to prevent the exposed side of the gummies from drying out.  
  1. Fill a bowl with the provided Melt-to-Make™ Sanding Sugar.
  2. If you did not cover your gummies and the tops have dried, you can rub them with water to make them sticky again. You can also coat your hands lightly with pan release spray and rub it over the top of the mold, to prevent your gummies from sticking to each other.
  3. Pop the gummies and toss them in the sanding sugar.
  4. Sift the gummies using a handheld sifter or wire basket.
  5. Spread the gummies onto a sheet pan in a single layer.
  6. Dry the gummies in a drying room (35% RH) for 3-9 hours until the desired consistency and water activity is reached. The final water activity should be 0.65 - 0.67.
  7. To download our drying recommendations, click here or view our Drying Guide found in the recourses section of our website.
  1. Spray the top of each filled gummy mold with anti-stick spray. Also spray the inside of a metal bowl and be sure to cover all surfaces. Record the weight of the sprayed bowl or tare the bowl on your scale.
  2. Pop your gummies into the sprayed bowl.
  3. Add at least 1-2 kg of gummies into the bowl, and record the weight.
  4. Add 0.15% (of the gummy weight) of the wax coating to your gummies. To download our wax calculator, click here or view our Downloadable Calculators found in the resources section of our website.
  5. Using your hands, toss the gummies for 5 minutes to coat them evenly with the wax, or use a panning machine.
  6. Spread the coated gummies onto a tray in a single layer.
  7. Let the gummies dry in your drying room (35% RH) for 3-9 hours until the desired consistency and water activity is reached. The final water activity should be 0.65 -0.67
  8. To download our drying recommendations, click here or view our Drying Guide found of the recourses section of our website.