What equipment do I need to produce pectin gummies using your base?
The necessary equipment that is needed to produce pectin gummies is relatively simple and can easily be scaled for any size operation. Please take a look at our Pectin Equipment List for more details about necessary equipment.
How much line waste can I expect to get when using the Melt-to-Make™ Pectin base?
Typical line waste during the production process when using our Pectin base is 5-8%.
Why are my pectin gummies not gelling?
Below are a couple of points to consider when working with our pectin mix: One or two of these bullets could be what is causing the issues you mentioned in your email.
- Make sure you are accurately measuring your citric acid. Our mix is carefully formulated so when you add the 1.4% citric acid it brings the gummy mix to the ideal pH for gelling.
- When you mix in the 50% citric acid solution you want to make sure it is fully incorporated. We recommend 10-15 seconds of vigorous whisking. If the acid is not fully incorporated, you will have inconsistent gelling within the batch.
- Make sure you are getting the brix to a level of 78-80. If the Brix is too low, your gummies will not gel quickly and you may end up waiting days before you can pop them out of their molds. If you bring the brix too high, the gummies may gel too quickly. We like to aim for a brix of (78-80) as it yields a gummy that sets up quickly and the gummy ultimately reaches the ideal consistency in a shorter time period.
- Make sure your Brix meter is calibrated before each day of production.
- Here is a link to our pectin video in case you haven't seen it. It has a number of helpful tips as well. Melt-to-Make™ Pectin Videos
Why did my pectin gummies gel before I was able to deposit them?
There are 4 very important variables to keep in mind when working with pectin gummy mix:
- Brix
- pH
- Temperature
- Homogenization.
If any of these variables is off, it could result in the gummy mix gelling before you deposit (pre-gelation) or the gummy mix not gelling (non-gelation).
- Brix - To get a strong gel, you want to bring the Brix of the gummy mix up to a range of 78-80. Make sure your Brix meter is properly calibrated, so you can trust the reading.
- pH - Our pectin gummy mix will only gel properly when the pH of the mix is between 3.2-3.6. The formula calculator we have provided will ensure you add the perfect amount of citric acid, so your mix lands in the ideal pH range. If you add too little citric acid, your gummies won’t gel (the pH will be too high), and if you add too much, the gummies will pre-gel (the pH will be too low). The addition of additives can also alter the pH. If you are running into trouble due to the addition of additives, reach out to us, and we can help you troubleshoot.
- Temperature - Once you have added the citric acid, it is important to keep the temperature of the mix above 90 C (194 F). Once the mix goes below 90 C (194 F), it will begin to gel, and you will no longer be able to work with the product.
- Homogenization - If you are dealing with both pre-gelation and non-gelation at the same time, this is most likely due to lack of homogenization of the citric acid. As you add the citric acid you want to whisk the mix vigorously for at least 10-15 seconds to make sure it is fully homogenized.
What temperature should I set my depositor hopper and nozzles to?
The temperature of your depositors hopper and nozzles is very important in order to prevent pre-gelling and allow for the most efficient and accurate deposits.
For most depositors, set your hopper and nozzles to the following temperatures:
Hopper: 93º C (200º F)
Nozzles: 90-93º C (194º - 200º F)
***If using a TRUFFLY MADE depositor, set your hopper and nozzles to the following temperatures:***
Hopper: 104º C (220º F)
Nozzles: 104º C (220º F)
Can I use the flood and scrape method with pectin or do I need to buy a depositor?
We strongly recommend using a depositor with a heated hopper when working with our Pectin Melt-to-Make™ mix because it sets up (gels) very quickly, which can result in a lot of waste. You will also need to spend more time demolding your gummies after using the flood and scrape method as there will typically be a thin layer of gummy material left on top of the molds after scraping which can connect pieces together. When using a depositor, each piece will be individually deposited which eliminates this film, makes it much easier to demold your gummies and the finished product will look much cleaner and more uniform. With that being said, we do have a few customers who use the flood and scrape method using the below guidelines:
- Be very comfortable with the Flood and Scrape method, and be able to work very quickly.
- Mix the citric acid (Part B) into the slurry (Part A) when you reach a Brix of 77-78 (do not let it get to 79 or 80)
- Make sure to keep the temperature of the finished mixed at 90-93º C (194º - 200º F), and cover your cooking vessel between pours to prevent evaporation. Both evaporation and a dip in temperature will result in pre-gelling.
Can I re-melt finished pectin gummies or waste material?
Yes, you can rework finished pectin gummies or waste material if a mistake was made or you are simply trying to salvage as much waste as you can. Please reach out to our technical team for instruction on how to do this at support@melt-to-make.com.
Why do my gummies feel sticky and look wet after I package them?
If the sugar on the outside of your gummies is getting wet and causing sticky gummies after packaging them, there are two possible causes:
- Dry time: The most common cause is due to excess water content. After you pop and sugar your gummies you want to make sure you are following our Melt-to-Make™ Drying Guide on our website. This will ensure you have attractive, shelf stable gummies
- Denaturing: You may be denaturing your gelatin which is breaking down the gel and causing your gummies to release water. Gelatin is a protein and if it is heated over 170 F for an extended period of time, the gelatin breaks down, and the gel weakens causing your gummies to release water.
How long should my gummies sit before popping?
We recommend letting your gelatin gummies sit for 2-3 hours before popping. In the summer, we sometimes let them sit overnight because the relative humidity in our kitchen is closer to 50%, and we don't have to worry about the gummies drying out too much. In the winter the relative humidity drops down to closer to 35%, so we like to pop them after 3 hours to assure the sugar sticks to all sides of the gummy. Our kitchen is 21 C (70 F) year round. We have customers who refrigerate the gummies or quickly freeze them to speed up the cooling process as well if that works best for your desired workflow. The key with the freezer is to not leave the gummies in there too long, since freezing will denature gelatin.
*Never allow the gummies to completely freeze if using this method to speed up cooling. Instead, use the freezer in a similar way you would use a blast chiller.
I am working with your Blue Raspberry flavor and have noticed that it is changing from a bright blue color to more of a teal color when I am cooking the mix.
The best way to preserve the bright blue color is to limit the time the melted mix is held at heat to less than 20 minutes. It is also helpful to keep the temperature of the mix between 65-71 C (150 -160 F) . We make these gummies for trade shows, and have found that if they are cooked using the above guidelines, and then stored in a cool dark location, they hold their color for their entire shelf life.
Other colors to watch out for:
Some of our other gummies are also formulated with colors that are more heat sensitive than others. In addition to our Blue Raspberry, our Pink Lemonade, and Green Apple flavors are also very sensitive to heat and you should take extra care making sure they are not exposed to excessive heat. As above, maintaining the proper temperature is crucial for preserving the desired color. Part of the reason why these colors change or fade at high temperatures is because of the natural plant based coloring that we use in our formulations.

How much line waste can I expect when using your Gelatin base?
Typical line waste during the production process when using our Gelatin base is ~5%. Using a depositor instead of hand pouring will ensure you have minimal waste.
What temperature should I set my depositor hopper and nozzles to when depositing the Melt-to-Make™ Gelatin Base?
The temperature of your depositors hopper and nozzles is very important in order to allow for the most efficient and accurate deposits.
For most depositors, set your hopper and nozzles to the following temperatures:
Hopper: 71º-77º C (160º-170º F)
Nozzles: 71º-77º C (160º-170º F)
***If using a TRUFFLY MADE depositor, set your hopper and nozzles to the following temperatures:***
Hopper: 93º C (200º F)
Nozzles: 93º C (200º F)
Can I re-melt gelatin gummies or waste material?
You can remelt the mix. The only risk is that by reheating it too many times you could potentially denature the gelatin. When you reheat it, keep the temperature below 77º C (170º F), and limit the time it is kept on the heat.
What is the shelf life of Melt-to-Make™ gummy bases?
The shelf life of unopened cases of Melt-to-Make™ Gelatin or Pectin Base is 12 months from the date of manufacturing. We recommend storing the unopened cases of Gelatin or Pectin base in a cool (below 70 F and above freezing), dry, dark environment until you are ready to use them. Once opened, store any leftover base in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Try to use any opened bases that are held under refrigeration within 6 months of opening.
How many gummies on average will I be able to make from my batch?
This depends on the weight of your individual gummies and the size of the batch. The weight of the gummy is dictated by the size/volume of your mold cavity.
- If you don't know the weight of your gummies, watching this video will help you estimate the weight of your gummies based on your gummy current molds or if you are deciding on which size to purchase, the manufacturer should list the volume of the cavities on their options.
- Divide your batch size (ex. 10,000 g) by the weight of your gummy (ex. 2.68 g) and then multiply by 0.95 to account for average line waste of 5% to get an estimated piece yield.
- The estimated piece yield is also present on our formula calculators near the bottom of the sheet. This calculation will take the batch size and piece weight into account so you do not have to do any math to anticipate the yield from your particular batch size.
- Below you will find a quick cheat sheet for common gummy sizes. These weights and yields apply to both Gelatin and Pectin.

What types of additives can I add to your gummy base?
Our formula calculators will ensure that you formulate your batch to precisely hit your dosage goal. We have formula calculators available for each base type and within each calculator you will find a variety of tabs for various products and amounts/types of additives.
You can download our formula calculators by clicking here and navigating to the base type you are using: Melt-to-Make™ Formula Calculators.
If you are unsure of how to use our formula calculators, please watch our video on how to do so: How to Use Our Formula Calculator.
Will Melt-to-Make™ provide nutritional fact panels for my finished product?
Yes, we will generate a free custom nutritional fact panel for you to use with your packaging based upon your piece size, gummy type, and number of pieces per package. You can request a free nutritional fact panel by filling out our Nutritional Label Request Form.
What is the minimum order quantity when purchasing Melt-to-Make™ gummy bases.
Our minimum order quantity is one (1) case of product.
What is the price of your bases?
We have a tiered pricing structure with volume discounts. Please see our pricing structure below and feel free to reach out to one of our sales representatives by sending an email to sales@melt-to-make.com or by calling us at (800)-241-0341.

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What is your shipping policy?
You can find our shipping policies by clicking here: Melt-to-Make™ Shipping Policies
International Orders and Shipments
As the premier gummy base manufacturer in the U.S. our top priority is to provide you and your company with the finest tasting gummy base in conjunction with exceptional customer service.
This section is designed to offer guidance regarding requirements for international orders and shipments. Please read this section before placing your order.
Melt-to-Make™ currently ships to the following international countries: Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
All M2M invoices are issued in USD.
Requirements for International Shipments (including Sample Kits)
- Business/Company Name (if applicable)
- Business or Tax ID number is required for shipment documentation
- Contact Information:
- First & Last Names of Recipient
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Customs & Duties, and Protocol for Importation of M2M Products
*Please note that customs/import duty fees will be incurred for all international shipments, including sample kits.
M2M will provide estimates/quotes for shipping transportation fees only. We recommend making arrangements with a local customs broker in regard to importation of M2M products.
Any required research regarding protocol for importation of M2M products should be conducted prior to placing your order. Please note that M2M cannot assist with this research; however we can provide you with the appropriate commodity code(s) for our products; please send email to orders@melt-to-make.com to request these codes.
**Please be advised that international shipping estimates typically expire in 5-7 business days. Delay in payment of an issued M2M invoice may result in a change to shipping estimates.
International Sample Kits
- Sample Kits are subject to customs/import duty fees as well as shipping fees.
- Once your order is placed, we will calculate the import duty and shipping fees and you will receive an invoice for the combined duty and shipping fees. Your order will ship once payment for the customs and shipping fees has been received.
International Port to Port Shipments
- M2M can accommodate Port to Port shipments ; please let us know if you’re interested in this freight option.
- We thank you for your interest in our products and we look forward to speaking with you in the near future! Please call us at 800.241.0341 or email us at sales@melt-to-make.com to request a quote.